"We're not in the real estate business, 
we're in the marketing business!"

Join us LIVE for this all-day deep-dive Masterclass and watch “over our shoulder” as we show you exactly how we do marketing for deals in 2022… even if you don’t have a lot of money… and even in a difficult market!

Join us LIVE for this all-day deep-dive Masterclass and watch “over our shoulder” as we show you exactly how we do marketing for deals in 2022… even if you don’t have a lot of money… and even in a difficult market!

Watch This Video To Learn More About This Limited Opportunity:

Join us for this all-day "LIVE" Marketing Masterclass for just $47, and spend an entire day following along as we start a brand new marketing campaign, talk to sellers, and MAKE OFFERS in a new market, from scratch!

Knowing the best way to build and execute your marketing plan – especially when starting out in a new market – can sometimes be the hardest step.

It seems worse when the market seems as crazy at it is... and you're not sure how to...

  • Pick an ideal market to start doing deals in (especially if the market you live in is expensive or already saturated)
  • Build a marketing plan that fits your market, and budget, and still provides lots of hot, motivated seller leads (no matter your budget or experience)
  • ​Talk to sellers and make offers, simply and effectively (especially if you're unsure or scared to talk to them)

Fortunately for you, we have been setting up these businesses, and going into new markets for many years now... and we want to show you our secrets!

RSVP for the LIVE Marketing Masterclass Today!

March 28th 10am - 6pm EST

March 28th
10am - 6pm EST



There's a full letter below that you can read to understand what we are doing, and why.

The short answer is this: We're doing an all-day, seller marketing masterclass on Monday, March 28th exclusively focused on how to pick a market, start finding buyer and seller leads, and make quick offers... all in ONE DAY!

Gavin and I will, in ONE day:

- Pick a market from someone attending live
- Set up our basic marketing systems
- Market for seller and buyer leads
- Talk to sellers & buyers 
- Make Offers
- Run a follow up campaign for someone's old leads

And you get to watch "over our shoulder" as we do this all, LIVE, on March 28th!

If you want to learn more, there is more information below.

But, we start on March 28th... and your investment is only $47.

What's Included?

  • An Entire DAY of Training - Join us for 7+ hours of high-level training as we cover our entire "new market marketing" process. $997 Value
  • Private Community Mastermind - Engage with others that are in the masterclass, ask questions, and network $497 Value
  • FREE 7 days of ACCESS to the recordings of the masterclass, to re-watch important sections... or the entire thing! $297 Value

Total Value: $1,791

RSVP Today for $47

(Save over $1,744!)

...need some proof?
We've taught these strategies to thousands of private students...
If You're Sick & Tired of All The Hype, Scams & Claims You See Online Lately, Read Just a Few Amazing Success Stories From Real Students of Mine...
Here's what past Masterclass students thought:
  • Joe McCall gave so much valuable information and content. I appreciate all of his time and effort to bring this forth to the Real Estate Investing Community!
  • ​"Your chill demeanor makes for excellent teaching."
  • ​"This has been a great supplement to Joe's main course! This has provided daily actionable tasks, broken down into smaller, bite sized segments. This is the best $97 I've spent!"
  • ​"You are on fire! Thanks for your help."
  • "​I learned from every training session! Seems like every time those doubts start welling up inside, Joe & Gavin's videos give me the confidence to keep going. Thank you guys!"
  • ​"I enjoy the content. Thanks for making this affordable."
  • ​"Joe really wants students do deals and make money."
  • ​"Hey Joe, thank you... this was great!"
  • ​"A resounding 10+ for the content and style of teaching where Joe in his humble manner shared very generously his immense knowledge."
And some recent reviews of my top-rated Real Estate Investing podcast...

Meet Your Hosts




  • 15+ Years Doing Deals - I've been in this business a LONG time, and I've done hundreds of deals, with my students doing thousands more.
  • Founder Of The Top-Rated Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast with over 10 MILLION downloads.
  • ​The #1 Go To Industry Expert On Lease Options & Creative Financing




  • 9+ Years Doing Deals - Gavin has been doing deals for a while, and he actively manages all of our deals today, consistently doing 5+ deals every month, all over the country.
  • Founder Of The REI Network Podcast 
  • ​My #1 Go To Industry Expert On Wholesaling & Cold-Calling, and my trusted Coaching Partner

Joe & Gavin have spoken on stages in front of thousands, and have thousands of students... they speak from decades of experience, and are excited to bring these same experiences & strategies to you!

From: Joe McCall & Gavin Timms
Subject: 2022 Live Marketing Masterclass Invitation (Please RSVP)

We're back!

Gavin and I have been in this business for a long time. Between us both, we've done millions of dollars in deals, and we've helped tens of thousands of investors build their REI businesses using our systems.

And we both agree... successful real estate investing comes down to one thing...


I've said it a lot before... we are not in the real estate business, we are in the marketing business.

Marketing is the lifeblood of your business. If you are not marketing, for buyers and sellers, you will not only stop doing deals... you will stop having a real business.

I know when I got started, I realized this pretty early on. So I would go through these phases where I would do a bunch of marketing, get a bunch of leads, get really busy, start working the leads, getting them under contract, and I'd have to stop my marketing 'cause I couldn't handle the volume

And then I would get a bunch of leads under contract and then I would work hard to sell those deals and I'd make a bunch of money but I turn around and guess what? 

My pipeline was empty, I didn't have any more leads in there. And, marketing is not like a light switch. You can't just easily turn it on and expect leads to come in instantaneously.

There is a power of MOMENTUM in this business. It could take one or two months, just to start getting leads again at a good volume where I could close them and actually get more contracts. 

Momentum is the key. You have to start, and build, and maintain this to be successful longterm. And, it can be daunting at times... to think of the amount of work necessary to get a proper marketing system up and running properly.

What if... you could get your ENTIRE marketing set up, in one day, and running... generating buyer & seller leads for free (or very cheap).

What if... you could gain massive momentum, LIVE, in a matter of hours... and a game plan for how to keep that momentum going... long after the day is over.

Then join me and Gavin Timms on Monday, March 28th for this all-day Live Marketing Masterclass. In one day, you will be watching "over our shoulder" as we demonstrate how to do buyer & seller marketing for deals, in a brand new market, starting from scratch.

Here's everything you need to know about this masterclass:
100% Virtual (& Affordable!)
This masterclass will be done entirely virtual! You don't have to book a flight & hotel room. You don't have to leave your desk... heck, you can wear your pajamas if you want! The best part is... the marketing we will be focusing on is 100% completely virtual... so this will work if you're working your local market, or another market somewhere else.

Live Calls DURING The Masterclass!
Yea, that's right... while we're all together, we are going to be doing live seller & buyer calls! You will have no excuse. We'll do some live calls together, discuss the deals, give feedback... every time we do something like this, it's one of the most popular aspects of our training. You will NOT want to miss this! It's worth the price of admission alone.

Free (& Cheap) Marketing Strategies
Hey, listen... I get it. Marketing can be expensive sometimes. That's why, for this masterclass, we are going to focus on those marketing methods that are free and cheap. I mean, we're talking like $500/mo. max budget. For some of you who can't afford that, this masterclass will be perfect. In my opinion, the best marketing is often times the marketing that doesn't cost you a dime.

Get more leads than you can handle
I'm going to warn you. When students work with us for the first time, there's a common problem they all experience... too many leads! Now, you probably won't get "too many" leads by the end of the day on Friday... but these strategies are usually more effective & aggressive than many investors are used to... so there's a high probability you'll start getting more leads than you're used to getting. So... make sure your CRM and systems are ready! :)

What's working TODAY - even in the midst of social and economic uncertainty?
I know there's a lot of concern and worry about the future of our economy and the housing market. Things are volatile now... and they may not jump back to normal anytime soon. Knowing how to market during this time is important. So, we're going to focus on marketing activities that are proven to perform in these times. We have multiple students doing multiple deals a month RIGHT NOW... we will specifically cover some of the things they're doing right.

Watch us get everything set up "over our shoulder"
At least part of the day will be Gavin and I setting up all the marketing systems, from scratch. Watch us "over our shoulder" as we get our CRM set up, do the research, and start actively marketing and getting leads. We'll be calling buyers & sellers, and who knows... we may secure a deal in the same day! This level of learning is invaluable and certain to give some of you the boost you need to take action.
Bottom Line
I hope you're as excited about this as much as Gavin and I are... 

We both realize that, even in 2022, there is still a lot of concern over the future of our economy and the housing market. Deals don't flow the same way they used to a few years ago.

This makes a lot of people anxious about "how to" keep DOING this business. But, it's quite simple... keep doing what works best!

And that's exactly what we're going to be covering. The best marketing strategies, in any market or economy, regardless of how much money you have for marketing.

Gavin and I charge a minimum of $10,000 to spend a day with either of us 1-on-1 (something I don't even do anymore)... and if we were to hold this masterclass live, we would realistically charge closer to $7,500. But I want to make this masterclass as accessible as possible for you. 

So, for this round, I'm only going to charge you ONLY $500  $47.

So, on March 28th, Gavin and I will be opening up our virtual training center to a small group... and we are only looking to work with a handful of people who can take fast action, and aren't afraid to stop LEARNING and start DOING!
Gavin and I have put a lot of effort into delivering this masterclass... and we already received RAVING reviews. I want you to join us before it's too late!

But you have to act now. Once we get going on March 28th, we're going to close the doors to focus on those who have invested into themselves.

So... you have until March 27th to sign up and join us.
Just click the button below… and we’ll take it from there.
Talk soon!

- Joe McCall & Gavin Timms
Summary Of What's Included:
  • ALL DAY, Live Marketing Masterclass with Joe McCall & Gavin Timms
  • ​Free (& Cheap) Marketing Strategies
  • ​Get more leads than you can handle
  • ​What's working TODAY - even during the pandemic?
  • Watch us get everything set up "over our shoulder"
  • ​Private Student Group including 7-days access to the recordings.
  • ​Join today; Only $47! We get going on Monday, March 28th at 10am EST!
The masterclass starts, and doors close in:

See How Other "Regular Joe" Investors Are Seeing RESULTS After Attending Joe and Gavin's Masterclasses:

The masterclass starts, and doors close in:

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should sign up for the "Live" Marketing Masterclass?

This LIVE marketing masterclass is for anyone who wants to build a simple & profitable marketing plan, and be able to enter a new REI market and start doing effective & affordable buyer and seller marketing... all within the same day!

How Do I Get Access To The Masterclass?

After you register you'll be taken to a page that has a link to the Facebook Group. We will also send it to you via email. You will also be automatically registered for a Zoom meeting, where the masterclass will be held.

Use your primary email so you'll be sure to see it!

You'll receive your confirmation email within 15 minutes of enrolling. If you haven't received it, be sure to check your spam folder or contact us at support@joemccall.com

Here are some instructions to make sure you whitelist our email address.

What if I can't be there live For The Entire Day?

Not a problem! We will keep the masterclass replays up in the Facebook Group for a few days so you can catch up on the trainings!

How do I know this will work for me? is there a guarantee?

Listen... these strategies work. You can see dozens/hundreds of testimonials above that prove that. Gavin and I are both consistently doing deals today, along with hundreds of our top students.

But I'll prove it to you. This masterclass is 100% risk-free for you. Simply attend the training, and at any point during the masterclass you feel you are not getting at least DOUBLE the value you paid for... simply email my team (support@joemccall.com) within 48 hours, and we will refund you 100% of your money, no questions asked.

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Copyright © Joe McCall. All rights reserved

There is no guarantee that you will make any money in this business. In fact, most people don’t. Most people quit and give up when it gets hard. Probably less than 5% of people make any money in real estate investing. This is not a “Get Rich Quick” scheme. This is a legitimate business – and you must treat it as such. You must work hard. And you must invest time and money in marketing. Your results will vary and are NOT guaranteed. Always seek legal advice and counsel before implementing any business opportunity or real estate investing system. Read my full disclaimer here.

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